RAYA Missions

Elevate the experience of running with fun missions that unlock additional RAYA points. Stay up to date with the latest missions by joining our community and turning notifications on!

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Browse Missions

3km Run Mission

Go outside for a 3km run.

5km Activity Mission

Go outside for a 5km walk, run, or hike.

100km Monthly Run Mission

For the month of November, log a cumulative distance of 100km of running.

5 Minute Recharge

Re-energize your mind and body with some fresh air and 5 minutes of walking or running.

20 Minute Activity Mission

Go outside and log a minimum of 20 minutes of either walking, running, or hiking.

60 Minute Walk Mission

Go outside and log a minimum of 60 minutes of walking (not running).

25m Climb

Complete a walk, run, or hike with an elevation gain of 25m minimum.

100m Climb

Complete a walk, run, or hike with an elevation gain of 100m minimum.

500m Climb

Go hiking with a minimum elevation gain of 500m.

How Missions Work

Earn additional points based on fun missions curated by our team together with our partners. Base missions are available to everyone. Elevated and special missions are members only.


Available to everyone: 1 mission = +100 to +500


Available to all RAYA Members: 1 mission = +250 to +1000


Available to specific RAYA Members (Based on collectible NFT traits)

It’s Time To Go Running

The sun's out and it's time to bring the heat! Long days and high temperatures can't hold us back – they're fuel for our fire. Join the Run As You Are crew and let's turn this summer into a high-octane running revolution. Don't just beat the heat, outrun it!